Saturday, September 29, 2012

J-Dale Getaway

            Johnsondale CA. I just moved back to California after living in Hawaii for 6 years so I'm used to beauty...but this is a whole different kind. I forgot how many places there is to see and things to do on the mainland. The R-Ranch in Johnsondale California holds a special place to my heart because my grandparents lived there from my mom and dads side. All their children were raised there. Its always felt like a second home to me. It closed down years and years ago and is only available to members. My aunt Pam always made sure to spend a lot of time with me when I was growing up and this is one of the many places we would go together.
        The last visit was bitter sweet because I hadn't been there in 10 years and the last time I went was with my Granny & Papa and they both passed away a few months ago. It was a special trip and almost a little family reunion. I had my mom, my fiancee, my daughter, two sisters, a brother, 2 aunts, an uncle, my grandma, 2 nephews, 4 nieces, and some cousins!!! 

                                      These are 7 of my moms grandkids! What a family she built :)
  This is my daughter visiting a doe that was by our cabin!
    And it was also my nephew Teagan's 5th birthday!

We missed you dearly papa & granny but I know you were there in spirit and we all love 
you so much! What a beautiful place to raise your kids! I would move there in a heartbeat.